速報APP / 娛樂 / Funny Jokes

Funny Jokes





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本


Funny Jokes(圖1)-速報App

Funny Jokes is application include 20000 free funny Jokes in many categories.

In Funny Jokes application you're guaranteed to find a funny joke to put in your Facebook status or send as a text message.

This is the reincarnation of one of the most popular free apps on the Android market.

The great humor you will get from this app rubs off on you.

Funny Jokes it free and offline useable.

It helpful for you to relax every day.

Try it now and you'll see how funny it is.

***********Categori of Funny Jokes***********

Blonde Jokes

Funny Jokes(圖2)-速報App

Blue Collar Jokes

Boycott These Jokes

Clean Jokes

Dark Humor Jokes

Dirty Jokes

Doctor Jokes

Family Jokes

Fat Jokes

Food Jokes

Funny Jokes(圖3)-速報App

God Jokes

Gross Jokes

Holiday Jokes

Insults Jokes

Kids Jokes

Lawyer Jokes

Lookin' Good Jokes

Marriage Jokes

Men & Women Jokes

Funny Jokes(圖4)-速報App

Miscellaneous Jokes

Money Jokes

Nationality Jokes

News & Politics Jokes

Office Jokes

Partying & Bad Behavior Jokes

Pick-Up Lines Jokes

Police & Military Jokes

Pop Culture & Celebrity Jokes

Funny Jokes(圖5)-速報App

Racist Jokes

Relationship Jokes

Religious Jokes

School Jokes

Sex Jokes

Sexist Jokes

Sports & Athletes Jokes

Technology Jokes

Travel & Car Jokes

Funny Jokes(圖6)-速報App

Word play Jokes

Work Jokes

Yo' Mama Jokes

***********Features of Funny Jokes***********

-Seach categorie

-Make favorite story list

-Share story to social apps like facebook,instagram...

-Copy story content to send as a text message

-Drag and drop to read next or back story

Funny Jokes(圖7)-速報App

-Offlie useable without connect to network

Funny Jokes(圖8)-速報App